The economy in Influence is based on mining resources from asteroids, which players can set the price for in a marketplace or choose to first refine the resources and use them to manufacture goods, before proceeding to a market.,.
Each step in this game will require players to make choices and each choice has a fixed cost. For example, if a player wants to fly a ship to take their goods to market, they need fuel. This means they either need to sink resources into producing fuel or sell their goods to then buy fuel. The more efficient they are the more they can yield for the work done.
The game simulates what life would be like if a player lived on an asteroid belt and had to work with others to keep the colony alive and thriving.
Today the gaming industry is the largest media sector in the world, and gamers spend hundreds of billions of dollars a year on digital content. As of right now, almost 100% of that content players are paying for is not truly theirs.
In Influence, there are no more black markets that players have to utilize to do real-money-trading, instead, Influence gives players the ability to freely trade to their heart’s content.
An easy way to think about the economy in Influence is like the Auction House in World of Warcraft, but instead of trading gold that cannot be taken out of the system, players have an easy bridge to swap their tokens out of the system.