Influence is a great place for content creators to showcase their skills and expand their audience while helping an immersive and unique project expand.
Blockchain gaming is at the bleeding edge of technology and, with that, educating your audience about this is key. While the Influence team works hard to lower the barrier to entry and showcase top-level user experience, many will still feel slightly overwhelmed. A great way to set yourself apart is to be able to guide your audience through the nuances of these barriers.
If you need to know how to communicate the concept of Influence please refer to the “Explaining Influence” section of this document.
Hook people in with our concept art, gameplay, and user interface. Then educate people on how players can earn within Influence.
How to earn in Influence: “Players earn SWAY, Influence’s in-game token, simply by playing Influence.”
Extract resources or build goods to sell at a market.
Manage a market and collect fees from each trade that takes place.
Lease plots of your asteroid or members of your crew to other players.
Provide liquidity at markets to earn incentives set by market owners.
Trade goods and take advantage of arbitrage opportunities.