A Ballistic Transfer Graph is a tool used in astrodynamics and spacecraft navigation to visualize and analyze ballistic transfer trajectories between celestial bodies. These graphs help engineers and mission planners determine the most efficient paths for spacecraft to follow when moving from one orbit to another without the use of propulsion (hence “ballistic”).
Trajectories: The graph shows different possible paths a spacecraft can take between the selected asteroids. These trajectories are influenced by gravitational forces and the initial velocity of the selected ship.
Propellant Usage: The graph showcases the hydrogen propellant required for each trajectory, helping to identify which paths require less energy or time, which is crucial for travel planning.
Launch Windows: The graph can indicate optimal launch windows when the alignment of the asteroids makes certain transfers more efficient.
Transfer Times: It can also show the time it takes for a spacecraft to travel along different trajectories, allowing planners to balance energy use with flight duration.
(found at the bottom right of the screen. Click the time to expand to see controls)
Adjusting the time will allow you to see flight plans for times in the future and past. This is mostly relevant to see when the best time to leave would be.