An integral part of life in Adalia, production chains involve taking products and turning them into other products via industrial processes. The production of more advanced products often requires chaining many processes one after the other, hence the name “production chains”.
The Adalian economy of tradeable goods is primarily composed of products, which are fungible goods that can be traded in Marketplaces on individual asteroids. They are contained in inventories.
Processes are used to convert products into other, usually more advanced, products. Processes are run in dedicated buildings like the Refinery, Bioreactor, Factory, and Shipyard. Processes each have a set of one or more input products and a set of one or more output products. The input products must all be sourced from a single source inventory, and the output products must all be sent to a single destination inventory, which must have space for them.
Each process has a standardized recipe, which indicates how many units of each input product are required to run the process, and how many units of each output product would nominally be produced, if not for secondary output losses.